How we proceed
A clear teaching plan developed in cooperation with the management serves as a basis for a modern and practice oriented course.
Participants preferably work in varied departments in order to profit from their colleagues’ experience.
We modify our teaching to meet your requirements.
- What do you expect from your employees?
- How can they be prepared to meet operative challenges?
We deliver detailed documentation – specific to the course / seminar but also for later reference. Naturally ppaper and digital.
Individuals learn very differently. Mindmaps offer the possibility of showing an overview which, for some, helps with an appreciation of subject context.

A script is indispensable for all forms of learning. Our scrips go further than the presentation and add background information which can be of value for reference beyond the cours or seminar. The scripts can be distributed on paper or in digital form. Digital versions have a navigation feature.

As is common practice, we deliver our message using a Powerpoint™ presentation. This form lends itself to both frontal and on-line presentation forms.